Visions Of Light-Art
     "Something soothing for the Soul"
   HOME      A transformation is taking place upon these planes,
step by step, thought by thought, in increments
bringing about a tremendous shift in consciousness
(08 13 2014 - Gatekeeper)
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A Transformation Is Taking Place Upon These Planes
Step By Step, Thought By Thought, In Increments
Bringing About A Tremendous Shift In Consciousness
(08 13 2014 - Gatekeeper)
A transformation is taking place upon these planes, step by step, thought by thought, in increments bringing about a tremendous shift in consciousness
This shift will bring with it a change of views and the ability for mankind to discern the difference between thought and higher thought and what benefits one or one group and the whole of all groups.  This transition or transformation is taking place now in the hopes that each society will come to terms rather quickly, that they alone do not rule the all of All That Is.  This shift in consciousness that is occurring now will assist greatly with this process.  The societies or groups of individuals who deem themselves the rulers will find quickly, that all their cunningness or the old ways of doing things will no longer work or support the whole of life upon these planes.  They will be governed by a Higher or Greater Source that will produce greater harmony and benefit all concerned.  The result of these shifts occurring will produce an environment where life supports life harmoniously and respectfully.
****End Transmission****

All Artwork Copyrighted © 2021 All artwork and products produced from artwork must have expressed permission for its use from Artist - Terisse Perez. All rights reserved. Deck of Soul Cards & Deck of Soul Cards Personal Readings and anything else within this website is Copyrighted © 2021 and must have expressed permission for its use from Creator/Author Terisse Perez. All rights reserved.