Visions Of Light-Art
     "Something soothing for the Soul"
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Testimonials - Artwork
If you have any questions regarding anything about my artwork, please feel free to contact me.  Thank You!

A quick note about the "x's" found in one or some of the letters of appreciation.
When I find anyone who was just a little too descriptive at indicating what their Personal Soul Mandala looks like, thereby making it easy for the viewing public to deduce what artwork belongs to whom, I've chosen to "x" it out.  I do this out of respect for their privacy, unless they have approved.  Since I and they all lead very busy lives, I'm just leaving it alone.   I hope you find the comments interesting and enjoy the testimonials/reviews.

Dan Millman - Author (Peaceful Warrior, The Laws Of Spirit)    (Personal Soul Mandala)
Dear Terisse,

Thank you for your kindness in sending the "xxx" mandala. The "xxx" had a depth to it I found intriguing. Thanks also for taking the time to write the personal letter and personable information about your work.

I'm glad that the universe "showed up at your door" and made it possible for you to send out your gifts to the people on your list.

I wish you fair winds and good fortune!

I'd like to close by sharing with you a brief excerpt from the epilogue of my book, THE LAWS OF SPIRIT. The woman sage bids me farewell after an adventure together, with the following words:

"These are my wishes and prayers for you, all the days of your life. May you find grace as you surrender to life. May you find happiness, as you stop seeking it. May you come to trust these laws and inherit the wisdom of the Earth. May you reconnect with the heart of nature and feel the blessings of Spirit.

"The challenges of daily life will remain, and you will tend to forget what I have shown you," she said. "But a deeper part of you will remember, and when you do, life's problems will seem no more substantial than soap bubbles. The path will open before you where before there grew only weeds of confusion. Your future, and the future of all humanity, is a path into the Light, into a growing realization of the Unity with the Creator and all creation. And what lies beyond is beyond description.

"Even when the sky appears at its darkest, know that the sun shines upon you, that love surrounds you, and that the pure Light within you will guide your way home. So trust the process of your life unfolding, and know with certainty, through the peaks and valleys of your journey, that your soul rests safe and secure in the arms of Spirit."

God bless and godspeed,
Dan Millman

Sanaya Roman & Duane Packard - Authors - Orin & Daben   (Opening To Channel, Creating Money & a host of other spiritual self-help books, manuals, DVD's and other matters to lift the spirit)    (Personal Soul Mandala)
Dear Terisse,
Thank you for your lovely soul mandala picture.  Orin and I will hold a vision of your mandalas reaching everyone we go can be touched and uplifted by them.  It is wonderful to hear that Boarders will be displaying your artwork and selling it for you.  Thank you for the wonderful feedback and the gift.  Orin and I send you blessings.
Sanaya Roman
LuminEssence Productions

Kala - Sacred Garden    (Energetically Coded Healing Artwork)
I was just enthralled by the Eternal Flame piece, it spoke to me and I had to bring it over to the site, even if just for a while.. :-)

May this link bring many wonderful people, from my site, to yours.

In love and light,
Kala - Sacred Garden

Erica    (Energetically Coded Healing Artwork)
I found your site through my friend's "Sacred Garden" website. Your artwork is interesting to me and I especially like "Transfusion" in the Antiquities collection.  I'm not sure why it touches me, but it seems to be giving and comforting.

Thank you,

Pirahana    (Energetically Coded Healing Artwork)
Very nice

Micheal Teal    (Energetically Coded Healing Artwork)
The Ancient One
Poet, CyberShaman and Spiritual Consultant
Greetings from The Ancient One

Hello Terisse
You have a wonderful site which engages and entertains the viewer. I enjoyed learning of your many gifts. You are a creative spirit of great talent and character. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your soul for by doing so you plant seeds of inspiration and imagination. You are a unique and authentic individual and I celebrate the path you have chosen. You are a radiant light in cyberspace whose very essence illuminates a labyrinth of potential and basic goodness. Thank you for sharing your story and enriching essence. Know that your life and work are meaningful and significant. Wonderful site! I wish you a place of deep connection that fosters the awakening spirit.

May you journey to a place deep within where love is your essence and may you live your dreams as you align with the higher self and awaken the teacher within.

Yours In Sacred Nourishment
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One
Poet , CyberShaman and Spiritual Consultant
"The old people came literally to love the soil, and they sat or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to a mothering power. Their teepees were built upon the earth, and their altars were made of earth. The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing and healing. That is why the old Indian still sits upon the earth instead of propping himself up and away from its life giving forces. For him, to sit or lie upon the ground is to be able to think more deeply and to feel more keenly. He can see more clearly into the mysteries of life and come closer in kinship to other lives about him."
-Chief Luther Standing Be

Marlo Morgan - Author (Mutant Message)    (Personal Soul Mandala)
Thank you so much for the lovely gift.
Marlo Morgan 

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All Artwork Copyrighted © 2021 All artwork and products produced from artwork must have expressed permission for its use from Artist - Terisse Perez. All rights reserved. Deck of Soul Cards & Deck of Soul Cards Personal Readings and anything else within this website is Copyrighted © 2021 and must have expressed permission for its use from Creator/Author Terisse Perez. All rights reserved.