Visions Of Light-Art
     "Something soothing for the Soul"
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 Gazette Write-Up
All you need is love: Artist hopes to ignite the fire

by Karen Schafer
Staff Writer

Aug. 20, 2003

J. Adam Fenster/The Gazette
Germantown artist Terisse Perez says she creates art containing information from the "Universal Light Life Force."
Fasten your seat belts. Terisse Perez is about to take us on a metaphysical ride. The artist has harnessed energy from deep in her soul and channeled it outward for all of Montgomery County to see.
And while she may still have to wait tables, Perez believes her "art for the masses" -- as she likes to call her drawings -- "will release a certain chemical property" allowing the viewer to "stand up tall ... "and share this love with others and the world at large."
Eleven of her drawings are on view at her place of employment --
Tropics Restaurant in Germantown -- through Saturday, Aug. 30.
This need to draw started back in 1995 in her native New York City when working as a makeup artist -- for the likes of Salt-N-Pepper -- started drying up.
"I didn't know what was happening," she recalls, but then things became a little strange. While watching TV or lying in bed, Perez started hearing an angel or spiritual guide telling her to create 40 art works. She was to create drawings containing information from what Perez calls the "Universal Light Life Force." The images would "strike a chord and ignite the codes within every individual that comes in contact with the creative healing art works," she recalls thinking.

Although these messages were coming from Perez's own brain, she wasn't exactly pleased with the mandate. She wondered what 40 subjects she would draw; over time, the images came to her. The cat's eyes in her drawings, "The Watcher," were inspired while she was reading the book, "The Peaceful Warrior." Crying over the death of a character, she heard a voice say, "You know no one ever dies. Snap out of it," she recalls. "All of a sudden, I saw these eyes. What I created doesn't come close to what I saw."
For some people this may sound inspirational, while for others, it is hocus pocus hogwash. But in terms of fine art, the idea of creating artwork that will take the viewer beyond his or her small insular world is a serious goal. Perez is probably one of the few artists willing to admit she hopes her artwork will cause viewers "joyful tears" and bring them to "their knees." It probably shouldn't matter that some of Perez's primitively rendered drawings look like posters you might see in a 1960s head shop. Perhaps they can be classified as primitive or naive art.
For now, Perez has attained neither fame nor fortune from her artwork. In fact, since moving to the area six years ago, she has contended with people saying the drawings are "of the devil," she concedes. Still others tell her, "You have this gift," she says, "They look at me with reverence."
Like most artists, Perez's biggest complaint is that people enjoy her work for sale from $300 to $900 -- but "don't want to pay money for it."  That is why she has created a side business, selling postcards, T-shirts and personal soul mandalas.
While the cards and clothes are easy to understand, for the initiated, personal soul mandalas are drawings Perez creates using information held in the buyer's "cellular level." The end result is a drawing that will cause "the individual to open up and move forward in new ways," Perez explains. 
Perez sent a personal soul mandala to inspirational author and lecturer Dan Millman, and in turn, received an e-mail from him wishing her "fair winds and good fortune."
Not a bad idea, especially for someone who claims to be clairvoyant. 
"I don't know where that is going. I will just have to wait and see," she explains. 
Meanwhile, Perez has pictures to draw and orders to fulfill.

Drawings from Terisse Perez's "New Life Forms" and "Antiquities" collections are on view at Tropics Restaurant, 13016 Middlebrook Road, Germantown, through Saturday, Aug. 30. Hours are Wednesday through Friday, noon to 3 p.m., and Monday and Saturday, 5 p.m. to closing. Call 301-972-9300.
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All Artwork Copyrighted © 2021 All artwork and products produced from artwork must have expressed permission for its use from Artist - Terisse Perez. All rights reserved. Deck of Soul Cards & Deck of Soul Cards Personal Readings and anything else within this website is Copyrighted © 2021 and must have expressed permission for its use from Creator/Author Terisse Perez. All rights reserved.