Take it upon yourself to live each day with integrity,
then and only then will you find your desires are being met graciously. One can only hope that you will allow
yourselves the opportunity of growth beyond your fathomable mindsets. This process can happen if you would allow
the infinite wisdom within guide you along your way. There are several ways this can occur, getting
quiet and listening to the voice within, trusting yourself, being in the
moment, acknowledging the direct correlation between action and effect or cause
and effect; that you are responsible for your own life and what occurs in it by
the very virtue of your thoughts.
Your thoughts create your reality, whatever you think
upon or focus upon expands; whether positive or negative. Be mindful of your thoughts, so that you may
get off this merry-go-round you’re on; moving nowhere in circular motion. Producing different scenarios to create the
same situation and wondering to yourselves how you got here. Perhaps thinking, you did something different
or acted in a different manor; when the truth of the matter is you did nothing
to change your circumstance. This is
because, somewhere in the back of your mind, you thought it could not be possible. Therefore, since you believe somewhere in
your mind that fortune and joy cannot come to you, it absolutely will not or it
will come forward in minute segments; inching and squeezing its way out.
You can indeed have what you desire in an instant, if you
would simply focus upon the end result (Not how to get there) and trust that it
will unfold perfectly, at the right time.
There is no, “When you are ready”; there is only “Allowing”. To assist you with moving past your limiting
thoughts or beliefs, a handy tool is the “Dream or Vision Board”. Simply acquire these tools:
White Poster Board, Old Magazines, Photos that you have a
copy of, Scissors, Glue Stick and/or Elmer’s School Glue, colored markers or
pencils or pens and embellishments (Glitter/Sparkles, Stars, Stickers etc.)
Next – Focus upon one desired item or outcome at a time,
of what you’d like to manifest for yourself.
You don’t want to distract yourself from your targeted goal by focusing
on several desires/dreams and trying to squeeze it all onto one Dream Board;
this is called “Blocking Yourself Unconsciously”.
Next – Open your magazine and look for items that appeal
to you and are representative of what it is you desire, be it a new home, home
items, new furniture, etc; If it’s Pets, find a pet of your desire in a magazine; If it’s a car you desire, then find the ads
for cars and locate one that appeals to you.
If it’s a family environment you’re seeking, then search for photos with
the appearance of family members, gatherings, warm family photos (Yes, you can
use photos). Better Health? Body? Then select images of physically fit people,
it could be a person walking, jogging, jumping, doing some form of exercise
joyfully; have an extra photo of yourself? You can also clip out the head and
neck of yourself and place it upon a physically fit body you just cut out of
the magazine! Are you getting the idea
Next – Search for Words, Sentences and Phrases that inspire
you, express how you feel about this desired object and how you’ll feel once
you’ve acquired it.
Next – You are to cut these images from magazines,
printed images you found online or on your computer. Place them in order, words or text in one grouping,
faces in another, people in another, places in another, sceneries in another, homes
in another, things in another and so on.
Next – On your virgin poster board write with a colored or
black writing tool, in a large and bold format, “My New Home”, My New
Furniture, My New Car, My New Pet, My New Body, My New Family Set-up etc; whatever
your focused target is.Next – Intuitively select the item you’d like to start
out with on your poster and intuitively select where you’d like to place it;
just like children do when they create. May
I suggest starting with what your Main Topic, Focus, Targeted Dream is and place
it centered on the board; glue it down. Once
the Main Topic is glued down, then build everything else around it (unglued). It’s a good idea to place the first few clipped
pieces on the board unglued. Intuitively
and strategically move them around until you feel comfortable with where they sit
and then you can glue them down.
Next – Upon completing the creation of your Dream Board,
step back and gaze upon it, having a sense of completing a building project. Stand in awe of it, immerse yourself in it. Feel
what there is to feel about the project you’ve just completed, as if you have
just birthed something new within your life and upon this plane of existence;
because, you have! I hope you are
feeling very joyful and filled with absolute delight about creating it, feeling
this way helps to manifest it that much more quickly.
Next – Once your Dream/Vision Board is complete, hang or
place in an area where you can view and stare at it frequently. When
you have the time, look at it
meditatively, daydream about your having whatever it is you’re desiring.
In fact, act as if you already have it! Place yourself in the vision
that your living
the dream you’ve just created for yourself.
Feel the overwhelming joy inside that you’ve achieved your goal and
dance with joy! This also accelerates it manifesting, as well as keeping
focused upon your targeted end result.
Once you’ve acquired what it was you wanted, create a new Dream/Vision
There comes a time in each person’s
life, where growth is a very necessary component of expansion into their next new
position in life; bear with me here. The
pace at which you move balanced with the resistance or non-resistance you feel
in moving forward, will determine how quickly you evolve moving into your next
new position in life; a more joyful one at that! The choice is yours. Peace be with you my children.