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     "Something soothing for the Soul"

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Daily Guidance-General Reading
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading -
"Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/30/2017  (WkEnd)
Returning To Oneself - Coming Of Age
Birthing a new nation under the auspices of Divine Guidance
Bringing about such a change will induce Joy, Laughter and
The Beginning Of A New Way Of Life!
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading -
"Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/29/2017  
Release beliefs or patterns that do not
  serve your higher purpose  
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today 
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/28/2017 
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Developing Clarity & Insight
Enhancing the 3rd Eye will unfold untold stories for
  the unity of humankind, to address issues from long
  ago that still stand to this present day.
It follows you wherever you go unknowingly.  Here
  is an Opportunity for you to Gain Wisdom to
  Break the Ties That Bind You
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/27/2017 
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Returning To Oneself - Coming Of Age
Birthing a new nation under the auspices of Divine Guidance
Bringing about such a change will induce Joy, Laughter and
The Beginning Of A New Way Of Life!
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/26/2017  
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Life Without End - A New Way Of Being/Existing
A new construct is on its way to produce harmony
  within this sector of consciousness
Embarking on New Territory leading to New Found Hope
Guiding Light embraces you, encourages you to move
  forward beyond your fears
Victory is Yours!
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/25/2017 
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Tip Of The Day:  Inner Climatic Changes In Motion For all Sentient Beings
"TRANSGRESSION -When Worlds Collide"
Remove transgression from the Mind, Body & Soul
Bring about Inner Peace & Tranquility 
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
Inner Climatic Changes In Motion For all Sentient Beings.  Push and pull is the theme that will pervade this planet for the next few years, an intense tugging of sorts.  The birthing of an expanding consciousness requires this to occur, in order to raise consciousness on this planet.  As chaos ensues during this transitional period, there will be many questioning the actions of others.  The ‘My Theory’ or ‘Way Of Life’ Is Better Than Yours” will engulf the planet but, to no avail.  Until we raise the consciousness on this planet to a certain level, this is where you all are right now; in the process of evolving.  This movement is non-stop for all today causing all to ponder, “What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life?” and how best to live it.  Engulfed in fear you all are, except for a handful.

Circumstantial evidence points in a particular direction, within your particular environment, of which other environments have their point of view, which is also misleading.  This is because, events are being manipulated or constructed in such a manner to produce a certain effect or outcome.  Specifically, for the mass consciousness of all upon this plane; an orchestration of sorts, a movie or show production, in order to control the masses via fear on a global scale.  There is only one source behind it all and they are the ones controlling this puppet show.

Although there appears to be many sitting at the helm, there is only one source creating these events of misfortune; a real horse and pony show.  Try as they might, they will fail due to unforeseen circumstances on their part.  They will misjudge, as they have in the past, the power of All That Is as they turn themselves inside out, eating their own selves away; in short, it will blow up in their faces.  This current ruling class is being manipulated by an outside source, with false promises of control and power, pitting one against the other; all to no avail.  Conjoined at the hip they are and now fighting amongst themselves, as to who will be the next all powerful great leader.

We sit here in amusement, knowing that all methods will fail; miserably we might add.  They will come to the understanding and conclusion that what we have told them in the past, many times, they cannot win no matter what methods they use.  When they finally realize this, as they are doing so now, they will leave for a very extended time; we from the Light will make sure of this.  There is much going on behind the scenes that many of you are not aware of but, rest assured, they are indeed being dealt with.  At this moment, those who think they are in control of this planet, all upon it and the Universe are in a state of chaos themselves; bumping heads with themselves trying to determine the best possible solution for control, this will be proven futile.

While they argue amongst themselves, Heavenly, Higher Realms, Universal Light is being poured or shone upon this planet and well beyond its parameters.  The impenetrable veil that was once surrounding this planet is now filled with holes.  At one point a good while ago it was solid, then resembling Swiss cheese and now an incredibly frayed veil that’s barely there.  Their time of rule is at an end and they’re fighting tooth and nail to keep things at status quo but, that too is failing-The Fall Of An Empire, all empires of this land.

What does this mean for you and all sentient beings upon this plane of existence?  Freedom!  Let us break this down for you.  While this war is being had amongst the temporary controlling elite, it provides an opening of sorts for you. You will need to keep your wits about you and see things from your feeling center (See Channeled Guidance 9/14/2017).  This is important, to view things ocularly and auditorily will only prove confusing and frightening.  You will need to feel events or things from your feeling centers - your Heart Chakra, your Solar Plexus or see things from your Third Eye; this is a must!  Doing this will allow you the opportunity to feel your way through the illusion or mask the controllers wish for you to see and feel:  Fear- Their controlling device.

Feeling your way through, will provide a sense of clarity and will lessen the impact of the frightening, eventful stories they provide.  It would be advisable at this time to feel your way through everything you encounter, be it on a global or personal level.  Do not make snap judgements, simply pause for a moment (physically step away if you can) to give yourself a moment to feel your way about anything you encounter and then make a decision or choice on the matter.  This will become easier and easier with practice, you will find a sense of honesty and relief within yourself and unburdened by your choices.  If you feel you’ve possibly made the wrong choice, do not beat yourself up about it; simply make a change of plans and implement it.  If you feel it’s too late to change your choice then, connect with your feeling center once again and ask yourself, “How do I rectify this matter to bring about the best possible and joyful result for all concerned”.  Sit in that space for a while, unemotional and wait for an answer/insight to unfold and present itself to you; either at that moment or within a short while because it will!  Then you are to move forward, with this new, insightful way of addressing an issue. 
Being consistent with this practice will prove very beneficial for your mind, body and soul and provide you living with less stress and a great sense of well-being.  Practice, practice, practice this way of being; we cannot emphasize this enough.  You will also find your life in a better place knowing that eventually, all will be well.  Namaste
****End Transmission**** 
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/24/2017 (WkEnd)
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Balance between Heaven & Earth
- Uniting
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/23/2017 (WkEnd)
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Great Encounters - Embarking on New Territory
Watchful eyes from above offering guidance & protection
The Master Overseer
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/22/2017  
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
"OPENING TO THE SOUL (The Awakening)"
A new found meaning for life
- Purpose
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/21/2017  
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
A haven for the Heart, Mind, Body & Soul
- Peace within
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/20/2017  
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
The induction of forces conducive to new growth
Bringing about significant change for proper growth
Inviting conscious growth
- Breakthrough
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
In the interest of moving forward, we invite you to recap or review the Channeled Guidance on 9/14/2017; it bears repeating.
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/19/2017  
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Developing a greater connection
  between Body & Soul, Mind & Spirit
- Rejuvenation
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/18/2017  
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Traveling past the barriers of time constructs
Seeking past, present & future
Seeking knowledge
A glimpse into all that is possible
Possibilities Are Endless
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/17/2017  (WkEnd)
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)

Movement From Within
A compelling compliment that unites thought with matter,
  producing results beyond recognition and unifying complex
  units of thought into one unified thought construct
Bridging one half with the other is the key.  In other words, it
  would be easier to manifest the object of desired results with
  intent rather than forced entry
- Gestalt
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/16/2017  (WkEnd)
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Life Without End - A New Way Of Being/Existing
A new construct is on its way to produce harmony
  within this sector of consciousness
Embarking on New Territory leading to New Found Hope
Guiding Light embraces you, encourages you to move
  forward beyond your fears
Victory is Yours!
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/15/2017
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
The Bringer Of Order - Retribution
Resolve is near at hand
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
No "Channeled Guidance Of The Day" today
****End Transmission****
Good Morning Everyone!
For the General Public, General Reading - "Deck of Soul Cards-"Quick Pick" Guidance Of The Day - 09/14/2017 
Deck of Soul Cards (Divination Cards) - "Quick Pick" (1 card draw)
Tip Of The Day:  Welcome to the new age of Growth, Prosperity, Love and Joy
The Bringer Of Order - Retribution
Resolve is near at hand
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
Welcome to the new age of Growth, Prosperity, Love and Joy.  Pretending to be something that you’re not, will only take you further away from your goal and further away from who you truly are and who you were meant to truly be; which is always unfolding, resizing itself/yourself into something more.  It is with great pleasure that we invite you once again to new beginnings and new encounters of the unknown.  It is without doubt that you will encounter the true meaning of life, if you would consider letting go of the old and useless for the new-found ways of doing things and living life.
We are about to embark upon new territory here, this will take a bit of trust and courage on your part.  We are bringing in a kaleidoscope of light and sound that will permeate these planes in a moment or two, in your terms a few short months.  Bridging the gap between our level of understanding and yours, of how to create a more productive, satisfying and comfortable life for yourselves.  This requires a leap of faith of gentle persuasion on your part.
This is to say, I am here to announce that by letting go of the old you will not only herald in the new but, as well ground it upon these planes.  Centuries ago you were coerced into thinking a particular way.  With the new frequencies being inlaid upon these planes, the old frequencies will no longer support the new frequencies and way of being.
With that said, we invite you to try this shoe on for size and comfort; expand your horizons.  What you see before you, is the crumbling of the old; it is time to jump ship!  Turn off your practice of seeing things ocularly and view it internally, by using your sensory systems.  In other words, feel your way through; sense what’s being said and shown to you by another.  This will take a bit of practice for some, for others it’s a little easier; as they’ve been practicing this for a while now.
When confronted, you can either physically remove yourself from a situation before answering, to allow yourself the space to ponder and sense what your feeling for a moment, become clear and answer.  You can also not take things at face value; feel what is not being said but, instead what’s being transmitted to you energetically or vibrationally.  In fact, you may find it far more easy to simply feel from the gut or solar plexus and trust that feeling; as we have said before, this requires a bit of practice.  With the energies that are now being inlaid from Light Sources, you will find it won’t take as long as you think it will; with a bit of practice, it will become first nature.
Heralding in a new way of being, requires consistency and trusting your feelings; trusting yourself.  You will find the more you do this, the more things will flow your way more easily.  If you are feeling you’d like to try your hand at something you feel would bring you joy, then follow that feeling and see where it brings you.  It will sometimes link you to someone or something, that may lead you to something else pleasurable or beneficial.  This experience will expand upon itself, leading to a more expressive self, a genuine self.  There may be a pause or two before the new experience unfolds.  This is because, the experience you’ve requested or envisioned for yourself is setting itself up perfectly for you.  This also allows you time to adjust both energetically and physically to your new request or vision, that will be presenting itself to you; in short, for the energies to match harmoniously.
In the beginning, you may question yourself as to whether you’re doing the right thing or not; it’s okay, this is how you fine tune things.  Next you will find you will question yourself less and less, as you explore your feeling on any matter before taking an action.  You will also find your experiences to be more enjoyable; why?  Because you are getting in touch with your feelings, acknowledging them.  To acknowledge your feelings, is to acknowledge yourself; to acknowledge yourself, is the first step in recognizing who you are; beyond the facade you present to yourself and others.

You will also find there will be those individuals who will fall by the wayside, making room for other individuals who are more compatible, more in alignment with who you are at this present moment and who you are becoming; this makes for a more enjoyable you.

Question not how long it will take you to become the person who you meant to be, you will discover this as you stay on your path; as life unfolds uniquely and perfectly for you.  Do not measure your personal growth by another, each person has their own path to walk and experience for the richness in life.  The purpose is to live your own life, in accordance to what you planned for yourself before entering this plane and no one else.  Live what there is to live, experience what there is to experience and share your bountiful joy of who you are with others; that share theirs with you.  I Am.  Namaste
***End Transmission***
JANUARY 23, 2017 - SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 - No Guidance Available; Sabbatical Taken
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All Artwork Copyrighted © 2021 All artwork and products produced from artwork must have expressed permission for its use from Artist - Terisse Perez. All rights reserved. Deck of Soul Cards & Deck of Soul Cards Personal Readings and anything else within this website is Copyrighted © 2021 and must have expressed permission for its use from Creator/Author Terisse Perez. All rights reserved.