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(07 30 2014)
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Discovering The Quiet Voice Inside
To discover the quiet voice inside that speaks so gently is a wonderful, wonderful thing.  It whispers it’s okay or tells you to run away; it speaks loudly at times, it shows you the way.  When not listened to, you discover for yourself it may have been better to trust this aspect of yourself that can see the most likely and probable outcome of any situation.  The trick is to know the difference when it is speaking or a sub-personality is speaking.  The sub-personality is an aspect of yourself that pulls or draws information of what it (you) have experienced from birth to the present moment.  A sub-personality only knows and can only express what it has experienced in the past and surmises the most likely outcome whereas the Intuition portion of yourself is not bound by past experiences, it resides in the present and can immediately gather the most probable outcome and usually or almost always offers the more easy and joyful experience of any situation.  It is this thought or feeling that pops into your head out of nowhere and inspires you to do something (go here or there or do this or that) and is usually accompanied with a joyful or loving feeling.  The sub-personality is usually the second thought or afterthought that says something along the lines of “Hey you can’t do that or you need to have this in order to do that”.  One aspect of yourself (sub-personality) provides information from past experiences and uses mental communication and the Higher Aspect of yourself motivates you and comes primarily from the feeling center.  With practice you will be able to differentiate between the two, one will cause you to smile while the other will have you feeling less joyful or thinking, I should’ve listened to my first thought.  There is an excellent book that can assist with this process, Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.  The key is to trust this Higher Aspect of yourself, to trust your first feeling or thought and move forward into the unknown and know that all will be well.
****End Transmission**** 
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