Visions Of Light-Art
     "Something soothing for the Soul"
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Find The Sanctuary Within
(08 19 2014 - Sanctuary)
Find The Sanctuary Within
Envelope yourself with Spirit, your Higher Self and trust that although things may sometimes appear to be not the best, know that this too shall pass.  You are currently in a state of transition and moving ever forward.  We are here supporting you in your movement forward into the unknown and assisting you in gaining ground with sure footing.
****End Transmission****

All Artwork Copyrighted © 2021 All artwork and products produced from artwork must have expressed permission for its use from Artist - Terisse Perez. All rights reserved. Deck of Soul Cards & Deck of Soul Cards Personal Readings and anything else within this website is Copyrighted © 2021 and must have expressed permission for its use from Creator/Author Terisse Perez. All rights reserved.