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Things or Matter will formulate more
quickly from this moment forward
(07 21 2014)
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Life In The Fast Lane
Things or Matter will formulate more quickly from this moment forward
Life In The Fast Lane.  There is no greater joy than to have your hopes and desires met.  Things or matter will formulate quickly from this moment forward, once thought is put into it.  What once to a while to manifest, will now manifest or present itself to you far more quickly.  There won’t be much of a lag time between thought and manifestation.  It would be wise to focus upon your intentions in a most loving way and primarily the end result or outcome of your intended desires and let the Universe, Angels, God/Goddess, Higher Power and All That Is to handle the details.  It is also important to watch your thoughts and the energy or feelings placed behind it, very important.  Do your very best to remove fear from your thoughts, for whatever you focus upon will expand and present itself to you.  If and when you can, it would be wise to have your energy centers or chakras cleared.  This will assist to alleviate the fearful thoughts, causing them to rise and remove itself from your systems (mind, body and soul); Terisse is quite adept in doing this.  As well, we have provided for you a method in which you may pull up this part of yourself that holds the energy of fear.  You may find this method of working with your sub-personality on Terisse’s website here:  This will assist greatly in removing fear from your systems as well as having this or those portions of yourself work with you in having your desires met, instead of working with fear and doubt which can create quite a bit of hindrance in attaining your goals.  You will know when a sub-personality is more than likely working in the background of your thoughts and feelings against your desired goals, when you find yourself going in circles trying various ways to attain your goals and it simply is not working out for you; therefore, it is important to address this portion of yourself.
****End Transmission**** 
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All Artwork Copyrighted © 2021 All artwork and products produced from artwork must have expressed permission for its use from Artist - Terisse Perez. All rights reserved. Deck of Soul Cards & Deck of Soul Cards Personal Readings and anything else within this website is Copyrighted © 2021 and must have expressed permission for its use from Creator/Author Terisse Perez. All rights reserved.