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(10 01 2014 - Quantum)

Preparation For The Shift
(10 01 2014 - Quantum)
The induction of forces conducive to
  new growth
Bringing about significant change for
  proper growth
Inviting conscious growth
- Breakthrough
Channeled Guidance Of The Day:
Preparation For The Shift
Shifts are now taking place within the lives of each individual on a mass scale.  These shifts will create significant changes, these changes will inspire you to pause for a moment, ponder other alternatives, new alternatives and to move forward into the unknown; bringing about results that will create a new experience, a breakthrough.
****End Transmission****

All Artwork Copyrighted © 2021 All artwork and products produced from artwork must have expressed permission for its use from Artist - Terisse Perez. All rights reserved. Deck of Soul Cards & Deck of Soul Cards Personal Readings and anything else within this website is Copyrighted © 2021 and must have expressed permission for its use from Creator/Author Terisse Perez. All rights reserved.